Over the past week we’ve been installing a new dedicated DB server. Today we finished all the basic configuration and actually moved some blogs over, here are a couple that made the switch:
mtekk.weblogs.us and samantha.weblogs.us.
So far performance seems greatly improved, especially for DB intensive tasks. We haven’t done any performance tuning yet and I anticipate we can speed things up quite a bit more once we start tweaking.
After performance tuning, we’ll continue to move more blogs over… then tuning, then moving and so on…
Once all the DB server upgrading is done, the next step will be to focus on improving our web server. The new WD Velociraptor hard drives may come out at just the right time to be our new web server drives, hurrah for fast storage!!!
That’s it for now, hope all is well for you and yours 🙂