Weblogs.us has colocated with TulsaConnect since 2003. At that time I was in my first year of law school at the University of Tulsa. Thankfully, I have been a law school graduate and bar member since 2006. Even though I no longer reside in Tulsa, Weblogs.us servers continue to be happily located in downtown Tulsa 🙂
Over the past 11 years TulsaConnect has provided great support and Weblogs.us continues to upgrade and expand. I build our servers and John is the go-to guy for software maintenance and security. Today, server costs have stabilized but bandwidth continues to one of our largest expenses at Weblogs.us
Weblogs.us does not charge for hosting non-commercial blogs nor do we display advertising on blogs, that means we are reliant upon donations from kind individuals and companies. I would like to extend a thank you to all the people over the years that have contributed to Weblogs.us We recently renegotiated our monthly bandwidth quota and so we have finally have room to grow. Despite Weblogs.us traffic growing a very large amount in 2013, and significantly in the past two months, with the help of supporters Weblogs.us is still going strong.
Thank you again to all of our contributors and bloggers!
Best regards,