HTTP compression test

Tonight I enabled http compression on our (Apache 2) web server. Now, since all our html pages are compressed before being sent out to browser, all our blogs should load faster and we should use less bandwidth per month. Hopefully you have already notice the speed increase when loading your own blog 🙂 If you… Continue reading HTTP compression test blog spam

UPDATE: List of sites we do not host and are not affiliated with:,, (those sites only use WordPress themes that we have sponsored) END UPDATE I’ve received two emails from people being spammed by Autodigest looks like a WordPress spam blog that happens to use the Almost Spring theme. That theme… Continue reading blog spam

Best way to contact us

Hi everybody 🙂 If you ever need to urgently contact us (like when the server was down this morning) then you can use our support AT email address. That email address forwards to all of our administrators. That means you’re a lot more likely to get help than if you just email me (jd.hodges… Continue reading Best way to contact us

Categorized as Resources $500 prize for Best Community Plugin, part of the Weblog Tools Collection Plugin Contest

Mark at Weblog Tools Collection announced a plugin and mod competition for WordPress (similar to Alex King‘s highly successful theme contest.) is again sponsoring a $500 prize, this time for Best Community Plugin Best plugin that ties the WordPress community together. Many WP bloggers keep in touch by email, RSS, or just visiting each… Continue reading $500 prize for Best Community Plugin, part of the Weblog Tools Collection Plugin Contest

Categorized as Plugins offers $500 prize for “Global Appeal” WordPress Theme is one of the proud sponsors of the WordPress theme competition [] Our contribution is a $500 prize for the theme with the most global appeal. Judging will be by some of our core users: Ronnie, Murali, HP, Brandy, JD, and Tab. Judging criteria, we’re looking for themes that: 1. Appeal to a global… Continue reading offers $500 prize for “Global Appeal” WordPress Theme