Best way to contact us

Hi everybody 🙂 If you ever need to urgently contact us (like when the server was down this morning) then you can use our support AT email address. That email address forwards to all of our administrators. That means you’re a lot more likely to get help than if you just email me (jd.hodges… Continue reading Best way to contact us

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MT Templates

It seems that I get several emails asking where one can find the default movable type templates. Well here ya go: Default Templates Default Styles I also get several emails asking about alternate Movable Type templates so I did a quick google search and came up with some links for the users: Neil’s Weblog Templates… Continue reading MT Templates

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Get free publicity for your blog

Movable Type has the capability to automatically notify other blog sites when you post. This capability is called “pinging”. To enable it in Movable Type, do the following: 1. Login to your blog 2. Click on “Weblog Config” 3. Click on “Preferences” 4. Scroll down to the “Publicity / Remote Interfaces / TrackBack” section In… Continue reading Get free publicity for your blog

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Online class: Blogging Basics with Movable Type

I ran across Kynn’s new online class her’s teaching: Blogging Basics with Movable Type. The course oultine looks good and I’m excited to see what his students come up with. Anyone looking for solid blogging tips should look into the course 🙂

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