Support for More Languages in MT (Persian, Spanish)

Heidar sent the following,

Dear Friends, I know how you can solve persian and other language posting
problem, only two small change in mt.cfg file, first change must be in line 198
(or arround): NoHTMLEntries to 1, second in line 306 ” publiceCharset” to

I must mention that this two changes do not have any side effect in other
language charset, it only solve unicode support for whose use it.

I implemented those changes and then got this email,

I’m user of your great free MT service and friend of arturogf. We are
from Spain and when you touch the MT to see right persian all my spanish accents
and alll the weird diferences of my tipography has crashed.

I only write you for let you know about it.


after some consulation with Heidar he sent me all the code I needed to
implement a WYSIWYG (graphical) posting form which should work
with both Persian and Spanish language writing. Currently
the new posting system works with Internet Explorer, while Mozilla and
others will just get the old way. Thanks Heidar and JAB!

If other people have language concerns or insights, please comment on this


Update: Ryan emailed with an issue:

Hey JD,
Again, thanks much for the MT setup/hosting. I noticed a
change in the admin interface to simplify the HTML but can you make that
optional?  I really don’t need it and, to be honest, it’s more confusing
than anything else.

– Ryan

Ryan, if you click the little “<>” icon then it will revert to plain
HTML. What you enter in that form as plain HTML everything will work exactly as
before.  I know it is slightly cumbersome , ideally I would like to have
where the user can choose but for now this is solving some of our user language
problems. Will that workaround cut it for you?

Categorized as Language


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