From: Hari Prasad Nadig
> hi, JD,
> Despite all the entries to blacklist, the blog is getting
> spammed. since I don’t have access to mysql, the only solution is to
> delete all those comments are to delete them manually… which is a
> irritating thing. Now, how do I get rid of such comments? 😐
Hi Hari,
I am sorry to hear about the continued spam attacks. I have a couple questions:
#1 Have you tried the de-spam feature of MT-blacklist? It is a very handy feature that I use for keeping our blogs clean. I attached a screenshot. De-spam lets you do very similar to the delete command in MySQL.
For example, searching for:
let me catch and then delete 77 spam comments at a time, plus when I add “bad-movies” to the blocklist, no one will ever be able to add a comment with bad-movies in it again…
This would be like the MySQL command:
DELETE FROM mt_comments WHERE mt_text LIKE %bad-movies% OR mt_url LIKE %bad-movies% OR mt_email LIKE %bad-movies%
#2 Have you noticed any particularly vicious spammers that repeat their attacks? I try to find good expressions to block their spam and then add it to the MT-blacklist, plus run a de-spam. NOTE: the MT-blacklist documentation is very helpful in learning how things work,
Spam bothers us me very much and today I spent 5 hours trying to implement another automated solution for my users, but I am having trouble. Hopefully de-spam will get you by for now.
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