We’re very excited to have a nice new (to us) 1U server headed out way: Still deciding whether this machine will become our primary DB server, or serve as a higher-end VM server for us. Either way, in addition to this one, we have one more server in our near future and hopefully we’ll be… Continue reading New hardware! 8-core Dell PowerEdge 1950
Category: news
Renewing our Weblogs.sc domain name
Just renewed our weblogs.sc domain registration. Whew, dotster charges an arm and a leg for .sc domains! Alas, they are one of the only .sc registrars out there :-(.
Server Hardware Improvements
We’ve been busy working on some server improvements. Specifically we are: consolidating our MySQL DB servers, increasing the RAM on our web servers, and looking at significant CPU upgrades for both the DB servers and web servers. One of my favorite servers is likely to be retired: SunFire. It is a 1U Sun V20z server… Continue reading Server Hardware Improvements
Testing our ping service…
This is a test of our Weblogs.us ping service. We are working on this so we can have a frontpage listing of recently updated blogs… More details to come once everything is completed!
New server status, theme fixing
Most of our active bloggers have been moved over to the new server. This move has been occuring over the past few months. So far the new server has been working splendidly! My blog is hosted on the new server and I’ve been very happy with the speed and uptime. We haven’t posted to the… Continue reading New server status, theme fixing
New DB Server Installed
Over the past week we’ve been installing a new dedicated DB server. Today we finished all the basic configuration and actually moved some blogs over, here are a couple that made the switch: mtekk.weblogs.us and samantha.weblogs.us. So far performance seems greatly improved, especially for DB intensive tasks. We haven’t done any performance tuning yet and… Continue reading New DB Server Installed