New firewall, new Ethernet switch, improved remote troubleshooting

Good news at the datacenter that the servers call home 🙂 JD made a trip down to Tulsa and : +replaced a failed firewall with a brand new one (roughly 6x more powerful!) +upgraded one of our Ethernet switches to the latest and greatest +installed the replacement KVM setup so we have better remote… Continue reading New firewall, new Ethernet switch, improved remote troubleshooting

The case of the snagged ethernet network cable!

Today I received an email from Neil over at KohlerCreated notifying me that his website’s database was down. I checked and some other blogs were effected too, so that meant that something was up with one of the database servers :-(. We also had a VM server being removed from our rack at the datacenter… Continue reading The case of the snagged ethernet network cable!